Monday, June 1, 2009



someone pls help me find my rabbit!!

its gone!!!

only 1 left..

if you see it pls tell me
rewards will be given
for real!

any information regarding the rabbit is much appreciated

1 comment:

  1. To the writer/blogger,

    I do have some piece of information regarding of your lost rabbit and I do hope that it will benefits you :-)

    1. I think that you rabbit has two eyes and a nose.
    2. I pretty sure that it has four legs, but this information is still not verified.
    3. According to a reliable source which I will not mention, your rabbit eats on carrots or any food that looks like carrots.

    Now about my rewards, you should deliver it to:

    a) my house which I will not mention, or
    b) me directly and personally, which can be found in class 5 Jaya, SMK Aminuddin Baki, at the table next to a friend I will not mention his real name but people addressed him as Farhan.

    I would prefer if my reward is money and valued RM2.57 plus tax.If no rewards are to be received by me, (fill in appropriate punishment here) will be given to you.

    This message will self-destruct in 30 seconds or a half minute, which ever you prefer.

    Be happy and smile always :-)


The KniGht Of My KiTcHen TaBle