Monday, June 8, 2009


what are friend to you?

to me friends are just sacrifacial pawn created to aquire my needs

dont lie to me by saying

''no! id never before use my friend to get what i want''

if you say this, shame on you!

we are constantly doing this either we realise it o not

its something that has been done by almost all of the population in the world

yes i no its a bold thing to say but face it

its the truth, and yes the truth hurts

you can call me evil or what ever you want

bt what are you so different?

besides friend hv the tendency to come and go

they come when ure living a good life

and gone when ure facing trouble

but thats just how life is

but i still do blive the value of friendship and true friends and stuff like that

its just rarely ive seen it

think about it


1 comment:

The KniGht Of My KiTcHen TaBle