Thursday, April 23, 2009

hey, my 1st post! wooOt!
hurm, how to start, ok lets talk bout my hand, ive got only one useable hand now T.T
last friday, the glorious day.
the day i broke a hand! thanks to someone
i dnt blame you though so DONT WORRY!

i was playing basketball ( dnt no wht have gotten into me =X) during pj at school, while playing i
somehow bumps into my friend while jumping and i fell down.... prak! (seriously, i heard the
sound) and my arm's slightly bend i no its broken! i told d guys i think my arm is broken n no
what, they laughed @.@ the hell is wrong with them?? im in pain n they're laughing??! damn u
guys! ....
haha not noing what to do i tried 2 find the nearest teacher luckily there are teachers in
the counseling room, thank god! i went there and cikgu Roffee asked me to c GPK HEM. there,
the teacher called my mum n dad and brought me to Klinik Kg. Pandan seriously one of the
nurse is really asking 4 it! she kept saying' tahan sakit 2 tahan2' ' badan 2 tegakkan' 'jgn
ngenade sgt" the F! she think i am?! im in a lot of pain n im sweating in air-conditioned room
seriously my shirt is soaked! haha... then im refered to HKL there i waited 4 45 min b4 being
checked and i was warded in the I/C ward there a doc checked me again and said some stuff i
dint bother to hear coz im hungry haha. i waited there from 12 till 3.15 i tried to sleep bt i cant
coz it hurts then the nurse called me brought me to a room there, they did the backslab and it
somehow pissed me off coz i waited for hours and they only did this?? come on! then i was
tranfered to another ward n i realized that its my 1st time being hospitalized but i dnt mind coz
the nurses there are lovely =P. . .
i stayed there for 1 day and was tranfered to ampang puteri the
next day coz acc. to mum n dad if i stayed there it would take some times before i have my hand
operation. apparently my hand are badly injured that they'd need to put plates gosh! im scared!

on sunday the day of my operation, i cant eat anyting since 12am yesterday so im hungry haha
then its time! b4 the operation a nurse put something on my hand and trust me when a doc says
it'll hurt a bit it hurts a lot! well sometimes... then the doc gve me anestatic which have d same
colour as milk but hurt u damn lot when it enter your body luckily a nurse put something on my
face and i fainted. GREAT JOB DOC!
i woke up with my hand in great pain and the nurse give
me pain killers and im out again = owh ya the operation took 2 hours and thx you iza for visiting
me that day sory i dint talk much haha i got a week holiday which is great n im bored to death
someone help meee!
till then, Mr. X

1 comment:

  1. haha..
    good job 4 ur first post..
    u type more than 100 words with one hand..
    i wonder how long that takes.....
    nyway..i dnt mind..
    ur in pain..
    so i cnt do nyting bout dat..
    dey hd to put u to sleep kn..


The KniGht Of My KiTcHen TaBle