Thursday, July 30, 2009


hello homosapiens,

been busy lately so cant update this darn blog

im beginning to think having a blog is a nuisance

haha seriously..

you no a lot had happend since i last updated my blog.

bt im just cant find the suitable words to put it all


my trial exam...

its on 10th of august, darn school, darn exam, darn it!

i got mad few days back, i mean real mad...

its coz of the stu%^# girl ive known last year

dam* her dam8 HER..

sheesh! i need to stop cursing...

i dont want to talk much

so this is it bye2

catch myself later =p


Tuesday, July 7, 2009


hello auntie and uncles...
da lame aku x update blog nie...
maaf2 xd mase la..... bz.....
maklumlah org DAH NAK SPM!!!
uuuuu iza da baik ngan wan
len kali gado la lg!! hahaha
t-rex kene masuk plkn!
me wish you the best of luck =p
yay! im not listed for the PLKN :):):)
bt.. act. i think its not really a bad thing
i mean like, 3 month marching n stuff
better than slacking at home
so those who got plkn enjoy it..
much benefit will you get
i dont no what is happening
between me an nasha
hahaha it seem that we keep on fighting
myb i should go and appologize?
should it? should i?
ive watched transformers 3 times already
im a bit disapointed with it
its way toooo @*#$$*^#@
sory ey to all the transformers fan
MJ's gone T.T
im a huge fan of his though i dont show it
the loss of a king that can never be replaced
a good thing he died as a muslim :)
you guys should listen to his songs
bttr thn listening to all the crappy music nowdays :P
hey! no what, my ranking is 160
out of 196 T.T
bad as ever
guess i played too much
and i didnt go to school today
for some reason :)

The KniGht Of My KiTcHen TaBle